Welcome to KGN Education Career Solution ! Education should bring student out of their comfort zone and challenge them to reach out to their best of their abilities . Our objective is to develop a passion to learning and educate the youth .
Do you feel that education has only right of those who can afford the big schools and universities . No, Education has right of every child who is citizen of nation . It is really painful for us when we found that young generation is hawking the rickshaw , or selling products and living of labour. We determined that KGN Will support and to serve the society . Instead of become slaves or doing labour work , these young generation students must get education and enjoy the life of college and university . To full fill this desire and dream of education , every child who has passed 10 th , 12 th and graduate or drop out the studies due to Economic conditions , they can become a part of KGN EDUCATION CAREER SOLUTION. We are providing 100 % scholarship on Tuition Fee for residential program students . Students has to pay only food and accommodation fee . Parentless, meritorious and every child who want to get education , we are adopting them for studies . Our Objective is to spread education in each corner of India .
I am appealing to parents and students , come forward for education . Education is like as thrust of water and hunger of food for everyone in this era . Each parent who wants to provide education to their ward , must contact us . Your child also can become an Engineer, Nurse, Doctor , Pharmacist , Advocate , Teacher , Agriculturist , Entrepreneur, Manager . KGN Education CS Will fulfil your dreams .
Managing Director